Thursday, April 29, 2010

Six Month Stats

So I decided to look up the stats for each of the kids when they were 6 months old to compare them.  I am also posting a picture of each at 6 months of age.  It was really fun to look at the similarities and differences.

At Birth                                                            At 6 Months

Height: 21 3/4 inches                                         Height: 28 inches

Weight: 9lb 11oz                                             Weight: 26 lbs 7 oz

At Birth                                                             At 6 Months

Height:  19 inches                                              Height:  23.5 inches

Weight:  7lbs 7 oz                                             Weight: 16 1/2 pounds


At Birth                                                                    At 6 Months

Height: 19.5 inches                                                   Height: 26 inches

Weight: 9 lbs 2 oz                                                    Weight: 18 lbs 10 oz

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jada Turns 6 Months

My sweet Jaders is 6 months old now.  Man the time is flying.  She is quite the busy body these days too.  She sits by herself and also launches herself towards what she wants.  This is a girl who is not afraid to take a dive.  She will roll and inch her way across the room.  She is even getting up onto all fours and rocking back and forth.  She will be crawling any day now.  The bottom two teeth have come through and the top two are right there.  Poor girl with those swollen gums.  She is eating a few meals a day of baby food but what she really loves is her "special leche."  I have 6 more months to go on that and I know it will just fly on by.  Jada is such a sweet girl and we love her so much.  Here are a few pictures of her right around her 6 month birthday. 

Friday, April 16, 2010

Go Mama Go

Last night I made my way back to the soccer field after way too much time away.  I took Mateo and Sienna with me to hang out at the park while I played.  I had a fun 13 year old sitter with them to keep an eye on them in case they needed something.  In my mind I thought they would spend the entire time at the playground on the swings and slides.  On the way to game Mateo gave me a pep talk about how to use my moves on the other team and make my way to the goal.  My 4-year old had plenty of tips!  In the past few years he has spent more time on the field than me.  So I was paying attention.  And in my mind I was thinking "if I can make it through the game wihtout embarassing myself and tripping on myself then I will be happy."

When we got there, they warmed up on the field with the team kicking the ball around and practicing their shots.  Once the game started they went to the park for a few minutes.  Then, maybe 5-10 minutes into the game I heard shouts from the sidelines  "Go Mama"  "Get the ball Mama!"  I look over and they are sitting on the sidelines cheering me on.   Now those who know my kids well know that they are not a quiet bunch.  Everyone across the field can hear them.  I only played for the first half of the game (so I could get them home for a decent bedtime) and by the amount of cheers on the sidelines you would have thought I was in the world cup.  They had a blast and I had so much fun having them on the sidelines watching me. When I took a few minutes to sub off, Mateo was there sitting with me giving me tips.  He said I need to "try to get the ball away from the guy in the white shirt."  I paid close attention, as I said, he has more recent experience than me.  When I went back onto the field, the cheers started again.  A girl on the other team said to me on the field that she enjoyed my cheering section. And my own team got a real kick out of them. 

I had so much fun, and I know the kids did too.  Can't wait to take them to the next game and hear their sweet cheers again!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tee Ball

Mateo is trying a new sport... Tee Ball.  This is our first year in tee ball.  Opening day was a little overwhelming because there were so many activities.  We decorated a float (pick-up truck) for the kids to ride in for the parade the night before and then the next day there was a parade with floats, then an opening ceremony with speakers (some great motivational ones I thought), then all the teams were introduced and the kids got to run the bases. 
Here is our "float."  Mateo is the cool dude with the glasses on.  They got to ride in the truck like this for quite a little trek in the neighborhood.  Some of the floats had music and there were police and fire trucks too.  The kids had a blast.   Later that day Mateo had his first game.  Here are some pictures of the first game.

In tee ball each of the players gets to hit the ball and run the bases.  They don't really have outs.  Here are two pictures of Mateo on base and running the bases.  The next picture is of him playing first base.

Overall, we are looking forward to a good season!!!  I am sure we will post more pictures as we get them.  And as soon as I can figure it out, I will post some videos we have too.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Jada Turns 5 months

So Jada just turned 5 months.... Time is flying faster than I can keep up with.  It seems like I get caught up in the day to day schedules that I forget to stop and smell the roses and see the bigger picture. Jada has grown so much in 5 months and is developing into her own little self.  And I really like her.  Here is a picture of her on March 18, 2010. She is our little chunky monkey.  We are playing around with giving her some rice cereal for the first time.  The first few times she was not very interested. But then when it turned into a family affair and the whole crew was into it so was she... as you can see by the picture.

We will be soon starting her on some other food besides rice cereal and take it from there.  It is a whole new stage in life for her.  I know that from here on out she is just going to be growing by leaps and bounds and be doing new activities all the time.  They just grow up so fast.  I can't wait to see what she will be doing when I post a 6 month update! 

Friday, April 2, 2010

An Uphill Battle

I feel like we have an uphill battle in our house on a daily basis.... The enemy.... laundry and dishes.  You never seem to win.  The other day I cleaned up the kitchen and did dishes and ran the dishwasher to make room for me to make some dinner.  Then what happened.... I made the whole thin dirty again and the sink was full of dirty dishes.  Now it is not like I am a gourmet chef and I whipped up something exciting and got a great reward for all these dirty dishes.  It just never ends.  Same with the laundry.  With 5 people in the house and three active little kids, we are always facing a mountain of laundry.  I have taken to trying to wear something several times before I put it in the laundry pile.  So when you see me out with a spit up stain on my shirt, sorry about that, it could be from today or from last time I wore the shirt.  And don't even get me started on trying to match up socks for 5 people.  It takes forever.  At least Mateo and Sienna can load the washer and dryer at this point (except for the soap) and can transfer loads.  And I am sure that it will only get worse as they get older.  But maybe then we will have some helpers folding the laundry. 

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Sienna

My little Sienna Boo is 3!!  Where has the time gone.  I can remember 3 years ago today hanging out at the park watching Mauricio's soccer game with Mateo and spending the afternoon hanging out.  Then all of a sudden in the evening my water breaks (no labor pains during the day) and 2 hours later we hear.... IT'S A GIRL.... Crazy.  Our sweet Sienna was here. 

Sienna, you have been a highlight of my life for the past 3 years.  We just love you so much.  You are a sweet and silly girl.  You have blossomed so much in this past year.  From being 2 to 3 you have shown what a smart girl you are becoming.  Already in pre-school, talking up a storm and such a wonderful girl.  For your 3rd birthday we had a BBQ party at the house.  When I first asked you about having a birthday party I told you I wanted to make a list and had a pen and paper in hand.  The number one request was to have hot dogs.  Number two on the list was a bounce house.  Check and check.  When it came time to make a guest list you wanted to keep it short. So we invited all the family and just a few friends.  Turns out, that you got just the party you wanted.  I had such a fun time watching you play with your friends and family. 

On your actual birthday we had a family.  We did a breakfast at IHOP, which I can't remember the last time we all went out to breakfast as a family, was really fun.  Every night before bed you ask for one more thing... and you say  "Mama/Papa... can we go bowling?"  So on your birthday we all went bowling.  You are such a big girl as you lined up the ramp, carried your ball up there and sent it on its way down the lane.  A great time for everyone. 

And for dinner I made your favorite spaghetti and meatball dinner that you always ask me about.  I hope that you had the fun day you deserve.  We love you!